Later in the book, the boy, Wolf, tells Davey that he has to go away for a while. When she asks when he’ll be back, Wolf thinks for a moment and then says, “Cuando los lagartijos corren.” Davey doesn’t speak Spanish and has no idea what this means. “Look it up!” Wolf tells her. So Davey writes it down as best as she can remember, and takes the phrase to the Spanish teacher at school to translate it for her.
He tells her it means when the lizards run.
Davey then realizes that it means Wolf will be back in the springtime, when the lizards come back.
Growing up in Now that I live in my own home, I’ve grown accustomed again to watching the lizards that perch on a ledge on my front porch, warming themselves in the morning sun that heats up the stucco. Each season there’s always a few lizards who claim my potted plants for their home, and I see them every morning when I come down for my coffee. We look at each other through the glass and have a staring contest to see who will blink first.
We had a particularly cold winter in
Until this morning! Today, on the official first day of spring, I looked out to the porch and saw a single tiny being scurrying into the hedge. Soon enough they will be running everywhere, darting out from underfoot, leaping from leaf to leaf, and doing those crazy push-up mating dances they do. Spring is here, my friends! Bienvenidos, los lagartijos!
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